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AFGL Tour Dress Code

Uniforms encourage and keep players motivated to perform better on the field.


By Roberto Balestrini. - Orlando, FL. March 24th, 2022

I believe our uniform should make us proud because it identifies and sets us apart from all other sports. I was reading an article on Pro Sports Outlook (see below) about uniforms and simply wanted to make a point on the importance of protecting the integrity of our sport. Dress Code is one point we should not take lightly for many reasons.

When I discovered FootGolf a decade ago, I was instantly fascinated with the concept! While doing my initial research one of the aspects that caught my attention was the classic style of the uniform. I found a video online created by Michael Jansen and Bas Korsten and watched those elegant footballers wearing hogan style hats, collared shirts, knee-high argyle socks, cargo style shorts while kicking a size 5 soccer ball down the fairways of a golf course. This gave me a feeling similar to a polo event where tents, champagne, the energy and power all created a style. Golf, soccer... It was like watching a game that escaped from our dreams and I wanted to be apart of it!

Wearing a proper uniform created the style of FootGolf with an edgy flair.

ยกOlรฉ, FootGolf!


Why Wearing Uniforms in Sports is Important

It often gets overlooked, but wearing uniforms has become such a large part of sports that it's become synonyms with the game and fans alike

By Featured Sports Site, Aug 20, 2021.

The idea of uniforms for sports began in the mid-19th century when a specific, now very popular, New York baseball team wore a uniform. Not only did the players of the team wear a uniform, but the coaches and support staff also wore the same uniform. Since then, any sports fan knows the significance bound to a team uniform. Athletics uniforms are so prominent now that fans wear the uniforms of their favorite team every day.

Uniforms bring a sense of unity and encourage the people on the team to look out for one another. It helps motivate them to perform better and then will be able to succeed and thrive. Wearing the same uniform brings unity to the team by repping the same colors, badges, and clothes that can help them feel like they belong, whether they have been a part of the team for a week or a year. It helps everyone accept each other regardless of race, beliefs, or anything else.

Uniforms bring a sense of unity and encourage the people on the team to look out for one another. It helps motivate them to perform better and then will be able to succeed and thrive. Wearing the same uniform brings unity to the team by repping the same colors, badges, and clothes that can help them feel like they belong, whether they have been a part of the team for a week or a year. It helps everyone accept each other regardless of race, beliefs, or anything else.

Wearing uniforms can also help the fans differentiate them when playing. Sometimes stadiums are so huge that if you sit in the back, youโ€™ll have no idea who is who so you will have to go off the uniform as a guide. So if youโ€™re sitting far away, you can still see your team and see how they are performing. If everyone was in normal clothes, nobody would have a clue who is who.

Different uniforms have different elements which can help you perform better in the game. For example, football shoes have cleats that help them run faster in the mud and get a bit of a grip. There are lots of different shoes for lots of different sports as they all require different needs. Some need more structure and support and some need to be more flexible.

For example, if youโ€™re doing aerial and acrobatics you will need a flexible and thin shoe. You can also get shoes to help if you have injuries and to help prevent injury. For example, if you play basketball but have had an injury in the past you will want the best basketball shoes for ankle support.

When you work so hard and you can become part of a team it shows that youโ€™re good at what you do. It gives you pride when wearing your uniform and if youโ€™ve had a good season and youโ€™ve done well, then you can show your pride for yourself, your team, and the commitment you have to each other and the sport you play. Playing sports professionally is not an easy task and people work so hard to get to that point. Players wear their uniforms as a badge of honor and a show of their dedication and passion for what they do.

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